Lagotto Romagnolo

DogGun DogItaly

The Lagotto Romagnolo (plural Lagotti) is a breed of dog that comes from the Romagna sub-region of Italy. The name derives from Romagnol can lagòt, meaning “water dog”. Its traditional function is a gundog, specifically a water retriever; however, it is often used to hunt for truffles.


The Lagotto is a Sporting breed. They generally have sharp senses, although their eyesight is more sensitive to motion than to detail. The breed is very loyal and loving, making them the perfect family companion. Some are easy to train, and many get along with other animals quite easily if they are socialized as puppies. Lagotti varies in their need for exercise, but should always be given stimulation to keep their minds occupied. In 1996 the first pair (Reno and Rosetta) in the UK, came from the Mandriole kennels near Comacchio where the dogs were still worked from traditional flat-bottomed punts as duck retrievers. These Lagotti, through subsequent exports from the UK which provided the foundation stock for Canada, USA and Australia, can be found behind many Lagotti worldwide. Visitors to the Lagotto Romagnolo Club of Great Britain breed, which stand at the world-famous Crufts Dog Show in the UK, will have seen photographs of British Lagotti (including Rosetta) retrieving hare, rabbit and various types of wildfowl. It is also worth noting that the photograph on the back of the first official video produced in Italy circa 1996, showed a group of Lagotti working – not truffling, but duck-shooting from a punt. In that punt were the parents and grandparents of Rosetta and Reno. The instinct to hunt, swim and retrieve is inborn and does not have to be encouraged. Lagotti have to be trained from an early age to look for truffles.

In modern times, the Lagotto has been bred primarily as a truffle-searching dog, and not as a retriever or hunting dog. Its highly developed nose makes it a prime search dog.

Some Lagotti is excellent swimmers, while some will only paddle. Some will retrieve from lakes, streams and other bodies of water without hesitation. They are lovable family pets and tend to like attention. Lagotti loves to dig. Many owners give them a sandbox or have a designated place to allow them to satisfy their digging urges. They also love to play seeking games and have very active and clever minds.


The Lagotto is a breed of water retriever from the lowlands of Comacchio and marshlands of Ravenna, Italy. Modern water retrieving dog breeds are believed to have descended in part from the Lagotto Romagnolo.

Andrea Mantegna in the 1474 work titled “The Meeting” depicts a small dog in the lower-left corner that resembles a Lagotto.

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