Dutch Landrace pig


The Dutch Landrace pig (Dutch: Nederlands Landras) is a standardized breed of domestic pig originating in the Netherlands. The breed was developed from the native landrace of pigs of the area, crossbred with strains from neighbouring counties. The Dutch Landrace is considered “a meaty and efficient breed”. The breed is unusually responsive to the halothane test, which can be used to weed out individuals with low projected survivability and meat production.

The Dutch Landrace is found mostly in the south, east and north of the Netherlands. The Centraal Bureau Voor de Varkensfokkerij (‘Central Bureau for Pig-breeding’), in Nijmegen, serves as the breed registry. The breed is exported, especially to Spain and Japan.

Dutch Landrace pigs are similar to those of the other “Landrace”-named breeds of Europe. They are white and have large, drooping ears. However, they are wider-backed and have heavier hams than some other Landrace strains. These latter two traits are stronger in individuals that are heterozygous for the halothane-responsive gene. The breed has high fertility and strong maternal abilities. At four test stations throughout the Netherlands, the Centraal Bureau tests over 1,000 Dutch Landrace litters per year, for conformation (“desirable carcass characteristics”), and the rate and meat-to-fat ratio (economy) of their weight gain.

Dutch Yorkshire pig:

Dutch Landrace sows are the bulk of the female stock for a standardized three-way cross, the Dutch Yorkshire pig, a 3/4 Large White (a.k.a. Yorkshire) and 1/4 Dutch Landrace mix, developed with “great stress on production detail”, by the following breeding formula: Large White boar × (Large White boar × Dutch Landrace) sow.

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