
Romanov sheep

Romanov is a breed of domestic sheep originating from the Upper Volga region in Russia. These domestic sheep got the…

Arkhar-Merino Sheep

The Arkhar-Merino is a sheep breed. This breed was produced by crossbreeding between wild Arkhar rams and Precoce merino ewes…

Russian White goat

The Russian White is a Russian breed of dairy goat. It derives from cross-breeding of the indigenous North Russian with…

Don goat

The Don goat breed from the Don River of the Lower Volga territory in Russia is used for the production…

Altai Mountain goat

The Altai Mountain goat is a breed of domestic goat bred for wool production. The breed was developed during the…

Kemerovo pig

The Kemerovo (Russian: Keмepoвcкaя, Kemerovskaya) is a general-purpose pig breed from Russia. Kemerovo Pigs are a general-purpose pig breed from…

Livny pig

The Livny (Russian: Ливенcкaя, Livenskaya) is a general-purpose pig breed from Russia. Livny Pigs are a general-purpose pig from the…

North Caucasian pig

The North Caucasian (Russian: Ceвepoкaвкaзcкaя, Severokavkazskaya) is a general-purpose pig breed from Russia and Uzbekistan. North Caucasian Pigs are a…

North Siberian pig

The North Siberian (Russian: Cибиpcкaя ceвepнaя, Sibirskaya Severnaya) is a general-purpose pig breed from Russia. Developed in Novosibirsk Oblast in…

Siberian Black Pied

The Siberian Black Pied (Russian: Cибиpcкaя черно-пестрая, Sibirskaya cherno-pestraya) is a pig breed from Russia. The breed was raised from…