
Italian Landrace

The Italian Landrace (Italian: Landrace Italiana) is an Italian breed of domestic pig. It derives from the Danish Landrace breed…

Jeju Black Pig

The Jeju Black (Korean: 제주흑돼지; RR: Jeju heukdwaeji) is a Korean breed of domestic pig. It is named for and originates…

Kakhetian pig

The Kakhetian (Georgian: კახური. kakhuri) is a local pig breed from Kakheti, the eastern province of Georgia. Kakheti pig is…

Kemerovo pig

The Kemerovo (Russian: Keмepoвcкaя, Kemerovskaya) is a general-purpose pig breed from Russia. Kemerovo Pigs are a general-purpose pig breed from…

Korean Native pig

The Korean Native pig is a breed of domestic pig indigenous to Korea. The meat is preferred to that of…

Kunekune Pig

The Kunekune is a small breed of domestic pig from New Zealand. Kunekune is hairy with a rotund build and…

Lacombe pig

The Lacombe is a breed of domestic pig native to Canada. Named for the Lacombe Research and Development Centre in…

Large Black pig

The Large Black pig is a British breed of domestic pig. It is the only British pig that is entirely…

Large White pig

The Large White is a British breed of domestic pig. It derives from the old Yorkshire breed from the county…

Latvian White pig

The Latvian White (Latvian: 'Latvijas baltā') is a breed of pig from Latvia. They have prick ears. Daina Kairisha, a professor…